


educational and professional program “Physical Therapy”, clinical component of training, clinical supervision, assessment


Abstract. Formation of a competitive specialist with clinical thinking and innovative approaches to the provision of rehabilitation services, development of leadership qualities, ability to make independent decisions and responsibility for them – the main goal of qua­lity training of physical therapist. The article is devoted to the features of the clinical component training of higher education applicants in specialty 227 Physical therapy, occupational therapy, specialization 227.1 Physical therapy. The process of making changes to the educational and professional program was analyzed and summarized, attention was paid to communications with external and internal stakeholders. The elements of the modernization of the educational and professional program “Physical Therapy” are described, the key role is assigned to the consideration of approaches to the process of clinical training, the functions of clinical supervisors and the coordinator of clinical training, the process of evaluating the clinical practice.


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How to Cite

Shulhay, A. H., Mysula, I. R., & Zavidniuk, Y. V. (2023). INNOVATIONS IN THE CLINICAL TRAINING OF PHYSICAL THERAPY MASTERS. Medical Education, (2), 86–90.

