



postgraduate medical education, distance learning, doctor, professional development


Abstract. The key factor in the medical care quality and Ukraine’s global integration in the professional, scientific and educational space is continuous professional development of doctors.

Medical professionals nowadays are motivated more than ever to improve their skills. Modern Ukrainian doctors are required to update their knowledge constantly, respond to challenges flexibly, master sustainable practical skills, etc. These characteristics are based on high-quality theoretical training and conscious internal motivation to improve their professional activity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, and now in wartime, the remote form of conducting advanced training courses for doctors has become relevant. Distance courses are the optimal way to develop doctors’ professional skills in terms of the high level of students’ motivation, a clear, methodologically built course structure and high-quality content.

The aim of the study is to analyze the use of distance learning in postgraduate medical education. Prospects for further research on distance learning should be aimed at improving teaching activities, diversifying forms of educational activities, which will be not only useful but also interesting for students, stimulate their motivation for sustainable professional development, finding optimal ways to improve postgraduate medical education and forming the most important skill of a doctor – lifelong learning.


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How to Cite

Нarbar K. B., Yeloieva, Z. V., & Matviienko, S. O. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF DISTANCE LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION IN POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL EDUCATION. Medical Education, (1), 113–119. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.1.13561

