



testing, medical and biological physics, task forms, Microsoft Teams online platform


Abstract. The presented work is devoted to the consideration of various forms of test tasks that can be used in the educational process for students acquiring knowledge and skills and their control. The article describes the author’s own experience, which is based on the scientific achievements of researchers on the problem of testing as an education strategy. In the example of exercises in medical and biological physics, it is shown that their content and form can be different – tests with one correct answer, open forms that do not include ready-made answers, but require their provision in a more or less concise form, tasks to establish correspondence between concepts and definitions or physical quantities and units of their measurement, etc., to demonstrate the correct sequence of events that lead to a certain result, and the use of each type of task depends on the purpose of their application. The importance and possibility of providing the variability of the content of tests designed to control knowledge, including with the help of facets, is demonstrated, which can be the basis of an individual approach to each student, without requiring too much times pent on completing tasks and testing. The article discusses such conditions of effective testing as predetermined requirements for taking tests by students, providing them with timely and honest feedback from a professor. The capabilities of the Microsoft Teams online platform are shown for analyzing the success of individual students and their groups, and for defining and calculating test quality indicators, which can serve to improve their content. The possibility of testing as an effective learning strategy in medical education is discussed in connection with the large amount of objective knowledge and skills that a doctor must possess, and the high requirements for his professional and ethical qualities from modern society. Prospects for further research on the effectiveness of testing for the use of knowledge acquired by students outside the context in which it wa sobtained, that is, when studying special disciplines, are outlined.

Author Biography

O. Z. Ivanchenko, Запорізький державний медичний університет

Scopus Author ID 54389231200


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How to Cite

Ivanchenko, O. Z., Melnikovа O. Z., & Mikaelyan, G. R. (2023). EXPERIENCE OF USAGE TEST EXERCISE WHEN STUDYING THE DISCIPLINE “MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS”. Medical Education, (1), 92–97. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2023.1.13552

