


student scientific society, students, research work


Abstract. Higher education has always been and remains an important component of the development of modern society. The Student Scientific Society (SSS), created at the Department of Internal Medicine 1 of the Dnipro State Medical University (DSMU), contributes to raising the level of scientific training of students, forms their interest and need for scientific development, promotes scientific independence, increasing organization, a conscious attitude to learning, deepening and consolidating the knowledge obtained in the learning process, and especially communication and interaction among peers and like-minded people.

The purpose of the work of SSS is to form students’ interest in scientific creativity, ways of independently solving scientific problems in the field of medicine and skills of working in scientific teams, as well as communication in an informal setting and closer acquaintance in the conditions of online learning.

According to the results of the student questionnaire, which was conducted using the Google Forms platform, we received 100 % satisfaction both with the work of the group as a whole and with the format of the quiz in particular. About 22 % of students expressed a desire to continue working in our circle in the following courses. 5 % of respondents reported that, if possible, they would like to continue research work.

At the regular meeting of the academic council with the report “Summary of the work of the student scientific society of the Dnipro State Medical University (2021/2022 academic year)” it was stated that the scientific work of students is organically connected with the educational process, in fact is its continuation, therefore it should continue in within the boundaries of the educational institution. In the DSMU newspaper, which has been published within the walls of our university for many years, the professor-pedagogical team determined that “student scientific societies of DMU have become a real school for the formation of a generation of young scientists, the preparation of a motivated reserve for postgraduate studies and teaching activities. They are open to everyone who wants to join scientific life, reveal their creative potential, become participants in conferences, scientific seminars and training”.


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How to Cite

Sanina, N. A., Sanina, N. A., Turlyun, T. S., & Nikolenko, L. M. (2023). STUDENT SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR DISCOVERY STUDENTS’ POTENTIAL. Medical Education, (1), 71–75.

