



distance learning, histology, practical classes, online educational process


The process of conducting the educational process of “Histology, cytology and embryology” subject in a medical university during ongoing aggressive war includes psychological, legal and organizational components, where the focus for this fundamental theoretical subject should be made on high-quality digital tools, constant monitoring of feedback and maintenance of all participants of the educational process in safe conditions. The purpose of this work is to highlight main changes and innovations during the distant educational process in “Histology, cytology and embryology” discipline for medical students of the 1st and 2nd years. The studies in February-June 2022 period were held remotely, using the experience of organizing practical, lecture and modular classes under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The peculiarities of conducting remote classes during active military operations were, first of all, maintaining constant contact with each member of the academic group, obtaining up-to-date information about their location, health conditions and the availability of technical opportunities to attend classes. Taking into account air alarms of different durations, being in relative proximity to active hostilities and technical malfunctions of power grids in certain regions, the duration of practical, lecture and module classes could change, or be transferred to a time that is relevant for the teacher and the group. Conducting and discussing theoretical content of topics for Ukrainian- and English-speaking medical students of the 1st and 2nd years was carried out on the “Google Meet” platform using the interactive “Jam” board and the broadcast of visual material through the teacher’s access. Tasks in the form of multiple-choice questions, situational clinical cases, electronic microphotographs and flash cards have been used. It was high-quality digital materials of histological preparations, obtained from the existing material base of the department, that served as a basis for studying the microscopic structure of tissues and differentiation of the cellular composition of those in various types of organs. It is important to note that maintaining a high-quality educational process in wartime is not only a guarantee of the formation of a conscious generation of medical professionals, but also the maintenance of the academic front of the country in wartime.

Author Biography

T. M. Popova, Bukovynian State Medical University

ResearcherID C-6366-2017


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How to Cite

Boychuk, T. M., Popova, T. M., & Stoliar, D. B. (2022). TEACHING HISTOLOGY IN TIMES OF WAR – EXPERIENCE OF MODIFYING EDUCATIONAL PROCESS . Medical Education, (3), 65–69. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2022.3.13226

