


doctors-interns, simulator, practical skills


The development and improvement of the health care sector are directly proportional to the training of medical staff, their professionalism, quality of knowledge, practical skills, and mastery of abstract thinking. The approach to the tactics of treatment of each patient requires from the doctor an individual vision of the disease and its prevention.

An important component of future specialist’s formation is practical training with the development of the widest possible range of manipulations in various fields and areas of medical professionals.

Thus, the “simulation simulator for testing the technique of endoscopic interventions” allows for visual and tactile contact with technical elements for operations in minimally invasive surgery. It is known that such simulators are used in higher education institutions, but our proposed model has a number of advantages. The main ones are the location of the complex in the operating room with an operating table, a mannequin, which is close in size to the average person.

The anatomical projection of the location of the abdominal organs allows the simulation of real surgery. The operating surgeon is on the patient’s side, which makes it somewhat difficult to work with endoscopic manipulators compared to endoscopic boxes, when the surgeon is in direct projection from the last one. But when working with our proposed complex, there is a complete simulation of the process of surgical intervention. Therefore, in the training of interns, the present invention plays an important role in the development of practical skills.


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How to Cite

Pronina, O. M., Bilash, S. M., & Kobeniak, M. M. (2022). MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL TRAINING DOCTORS-INTERNES. Medical Education, (1), 88–92.

