


continuous professional development of doctors, distance education, medical associations


The article presents data on the current state and prospects of continuous professional development of doctors in Ukraine and the world in the conditions of the pandemic present. The aim of this work was to improve the system of continuing professional development of physicians to bring it in line with the needs of the industry, the demands of physicians and modern challenges to the health care system.

For the next generations of doctors, their continuous professional development should become accessible, personalized, focused on the needs of the doctor, based on evidence-based medicine with deep use of educational and medical platforms, 3D reality, simulators, remote technologies and Internet resources.

However, the share of state funding for continuing professional development of doctors and the list of continuing professional development in public health education institutions is declining from year to year, which contributes to expanding the commercialization of these activities, extensive increase in the number of educational providers. quality and control of providers. By the way, a significant problem is not only the quality of medical training, but also the progressive reduction of their number.

It is necessary to involve leading experts of medical associations and societies in the expert assessment and certification by the Testing Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of content, level of speakers, procedure and number of educational and scientific events conducted in excessive numbers.

The existing system of continuous professional development of doctors needs to be unconditionally improved with the participation of the professional medical community in order to respond to the challenges of today and get closer to the needs and opportunities of doctors.

Author Biographies

O. P. Volosovets, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

ResearcherID V-4884-2018
Scopus Author ID 57204219098

O. V. Yemets, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

Scopus Author ID 57224290746

T. M. Volosovets, Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine, Kyiv

ResearcherID V-4878-2018
Scopus Author ID 57215286301

A. Ya. Kryvopustov, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

ResearcherID AAD-1339-2020
Scopus Author ID 57202620713

N. V. Grischenko, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

ResearcherID B-2216-2014

S. D. Saltanova, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

Scopus Author ID 6506446368


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How to Cite

Volosovets, O. P., Уліщенко, В. В., Karulina, Y. V., Yemets, O. V., Volosovets, T. M., Kryvopustov, A. Y., … Saltanova, S. D. (2022). PROBLEM ISSUES OF INTRODUCTION OF QUALITATIVE LIFELONG PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF DOCTORS. Medical Education, (1), 74–80.

