foreign literature, comparative research, creativity, education, teacher, developmentAbstract
The article claims that since the end of the 80s of the twentieth century, domestic pedagogical comparative studies have begun to get rid of the inferiority complex. It is noted that most representatives of foreign pedagogy (“apologists of the bourgeoisie” and preachers of “reactionary” and “anti-scientific movements”) were criticized for a long time, as they contradicted the canonized Marxist-Leninist pedagogy. This is noted in the works of well-known scientists, such as D. Skilsky, V. Kravets, K. Luchakovsky, who made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian comparative research. In the 90s of the XX-beginning of the XXI century. Ukrainian pedagogical comparativistics has made progress in the study of pedagogical personalities abroad. Against the background of improving its scientific tools, optimal methodological approaches were developed that allow them to comprehensively, synthesize, comprehensively comprehend their biographies, creative heritage and various spheres of public activity, which help to better study and research the biography of foreign writers according to a certain algorithm. The article examines the role of pedagogical comparative research and methods of developing creativity in foreign literature lessons. It is noted that it is necessary to develop the creative abilities of students using the teaching method, which contributes to the fundamental assimilation of the material, the development of imagination, independent and group work in the educational team. Classes using creative techniques allow students to develop attention skills, as well as Think outside the box. There is a friendly attitude towards students, the formation of tolerance to carriers of a different culture based on acquaintance with the life of their peers in other countries. It is noted that works of folklore are an accessible example of fiction. The main attention is paid to the formation of initial communication skills, education of moral and aesthetic feelings, and the development of creative activity. It is proved that foreign literature lessons are an important component of the formation of reading competence.
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Developing a positive classroom culture: the compli¬ments PROJECT Topteaching. Retrieved from:
Feher, Judit. Creativity in the language classroom. Retrieved from:
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