



license integrated exam “Krok M”, certification


The work presents an analysis of the results of the license integrated exam “Krok M. Laboratory Diagnostics” (LІE), the students of the Zhytomyr Basic Pharmaceutical College (ZhBPC) for 2015–2020 demonstrated their knowledge and skills at the “Laboratory Diagnostics” specialty 224 “Technology of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment program”. Test tasks of LIE contain questions of professionally-oriented disciplines and are a criterion of professional suitability of graduates. The ZhBPC has a systematic work to prepare students for the creation of a licensed interactive course “Krok M. Laboratory Diagnostics”, namely: individual and group consultations, training tests in a computer class and on the platform of LMS Moodle and so on. According to the results of the LIЕ college students, the highest indicators were recorded in 2015–2016 academic year, when all the examinees passed the exam, and the overall success rate was 75.8 %. In subsequent years, the results of the LIE “Krok M” were lower, and in some academic disciplines they were critically low. In the 2019–2020 academic year, when preparation for testing was carried out remotely due to the introduction of quarantine restrictions in the country, the overall rate of correct answers of students according to LIЕ “Krok M. Laboratory Diagnostics” was 60.9 %, did not pass the threshold “passed” 27 % of students. Among the factors that affect the quality indicator of success in passing the LIЕ “Krok M. Laboratory Diagnostics”, first of all, should be noted the efforts to organize the training of students from the side of the administration, as well as the work of teachers of specific disciplines, test tasks which are included in the list of tasks LІЕ. The important condition for the successful passing of the certification in the form of LІЕ “Krok M. Laboratory Diagnostics” we consider the motivation of students to perform educational activities and systematic work with theoretical material and test bases.

Author Biography

I. O. Pershko, Zhytomyr Basic Pharmaceutical Professional College of Zhytomyr Regional Council

ResearcherID B-7581-2016
Scopus Author ID 6506965767


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How to Cite

Boichuk, I. D., Bolukh V. А., & Pershko, I. O. (2021). FEATURES OF TRAINING OF LABORATORY DIAGNOSTICS SPECIALISTS FOR THE LICENSED INTEGRATED EXAM “KROK M” IN A PROFESSIONAL COLLEGE. Medical Education, (3), 11–16. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2021.3.12588

