



oncologist, cancer patient, interaction, emotional burnout, professional relations, professional and personal positions, professional psychological training of a doctor


Today, the phenomenon of “emotional burnout” is characteristic of various professions related to working with people and primarily affects doctors. The article presents the signs of the phenomenon of emotional burnout and presents the features of emotional burnout of oncologists. The purpose of this research was to show the features of emotional burnout of oncologists in connection with the issues of their professional psychological training. To achieve this goal, 147 physicians of different specializations in oncology and students of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics, Therapy and Oncology of Odesa National Medical University were studied, it is shown that most oncologists are characterized by burnout in the resistance phase. Resistance (resistance) is a psychological protection developed by the individual in response to increasing stress in the process, and is expressed in the tendency to limit emotional contact with patients. It is shown that in order to effectively interact with the patient, the doctor must adhere to professional boundaries, which allow him, on the one hand, not to avoid contact with the cancer patient, and on the other - not to immerse himself excessively in the patientʼs experience. The authors point to the need for professional psychological training of oncologists and are convinced that such training will help oncologists to interact more effectively with patients and their relatives, which will undoubtedly affect the well-being and quality of life of both patients and doctors themselves.


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How to Cite

Rybin, A. I., Bondar, O. V., & Patskov, A. O. (2021). EMOTIONAL BURNOUT AND THE ISSUE OF PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING OF ONCOLOGISTS. Medical Education, (3), 23–30. https://doi.org/10.11603/m.2414-5998.2021.3.12424

