


communication, communicative qualities, communication skills, communicative culture


Abstract. The article analyzes the essence of the concepts “communication”, and “communicative culture”. The future physician’s responsibility is not only to treat but also to communicate directly with patients, their relatives, friends, and colleagues. The professional language of the future physician has a huge psychotherapeutic value. It is a powerful means of influencing the patient which is necessary for the making correct diagnosis and effective treatment of diseases. Communicative culture is a set of professional qualities, moral values, and communication skills of the future physician. The main qualities of the formation of professional and communicative culture of future physician (friendliness, empathy, sociability, reflectivity, balance) are considered in the article. Communicative qualities determine the productivity and efficacy of professional activity. They are one of the criteria for the formation of professional and communicative culture of future physicians. Professional qualities, moral values, and communication skills which are realized during communication in the system of relationships “physician – patient” determine the level of formation of professional and communicative culture of the future physician.

The practical class materials for English and Professional English in the Moodle system consist of not only texts but also videos in order to visualize the studied topics. The manual “Video Activity Book for the second-year students” and the textbook “Video Activity Book for the first-year students” have been published to provide a theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of communicative qualities and skills of medical students as one of the components of the professional and communicative culture of future physicians.


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How to Cite

Kolodnytska, O. D. (2021). COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE OF THE FUTURE PHYSICIAN. Medical Education, (2), 74–78.



Materials of the conference