academic culture




academic culture, teaching, high school


The article highlights the features of the components of the new academic culture of research and teaching staff. It is proved that the concept of academic culture is multifaceted and combines psychological-pedagogical and educational-methodical culture at the university, values, traditions, norms, rules of scientific research, and about scientific speech culture, culture of high spirituality and morality, communication with students, culture of scientific work. and social, moral responsibility for the results, the culture of tolerance and pedagogical optimism, which is formed in the cultural and educational space of higher education. Academic culture is a set of ways and methods of activity of the university community, its systemic integrated quality, which reflects the achieved level of development. It acts as a set of social norms and values ​​that are not genetically inherited, but formed historically and inherent in a particular social system. Academic culture includes certain phenomena, processes, relationships that qualitatively distinguish research and teaching staff, students and administrative and economic staff of universities from other communities and social groups of society and are the result of social interaction. The main elements of academic culture are the knowledge and beliefs that guide members of the academic community in their daily activities and that determine their spiritual position. Beliefs are characterized by the inseparability of intellectual-rational, sensory-emotional and volitional components. Beliefs cover the entire structure of certain information about the phenomena of social life, the content and meaning of norms, principles of behavior, ie knowledge. The structure of beliefs includes certain, personally significant knowledge. The growing role of higher education institutions as centers of culture, knowledge and research in cultural, social and scientific and technological development shows that the future of mankind is increasingly dependent on modern universities. Academic culture is a complex composition of important values and principles, norms, traditions, methods of activity adopted by the academic community, and the formation and reproduction of its basic principles is associated not only with university environment, but also the institute of higher education in general.


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How to Cite

Motsyuk, Y. B. (2021). COMPONENTS OF THE NEW ACADEMIC CULTURE OF SCIENTIFIC AND PEDAGOGICAL WORKERS: academic culture. Medical Education, (3), 123–128.

