Ukrainian as a foreign language, communicative approach, grammatical category of persons, grammatical category of time, verbAbstract
The teachers of Ukrainian language as a foreign one face the complicated task i.e. to see the wide range of lexical richness and grammatical paradigms that are supposed to be the most useful by students, and thus, are the most necessary for studying by foreign students. Implementing this in practice, language teachers are in a state of constant search for new approaches to learning, non-trivial teaching methods. The final result of mastering the course «Ukrainian as a foreign language» should be a person with free communication skills in a foreign language environment.
The article offers a tested lesson on the subject “Ukrainian as a foreign language” on the topic “In the city. Lesson 2”. Since Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 form a thematic integrity, the second lesson continues to work with locative vocabulary. The first block of exercises is designed to involve students in the conversation with the use of learned urban vocabulary and the development of new words actively. With the use of multimedia technologies, the latter improve communication skills by talking about what they have seen. The topic defined the elaboration of such grammatical categories as person, tense and gender of one-species verbs of movement - go / walk, go / ride (іти/ходити, їхати/їздити), and thus - their compatibility with locative nouns and adverbs. The use of these verbs in context is demonstrated by the example of dialogues that reproduce the usual situations for students from everyday life.
Grammatical forms of verbs are systematized using a table that combines the grammatical category of person, tense and gender. This allows you to visualize one of the most difficult topics to study and update the already learned knowledge of the verb. The skills of using correct grammar are very important for further effective communication in a foreign language environment, especially in professional speech.
The system of training exercises is designed to form an understanding of the semantic difference in the meaning of pairs of words go/walk, go/ride, hence the ability to use personal forms of verbs in a sentence, as well as to differentiate them in the temporal plane. The content of the exercises also allows you to recall previous grammatical topics, in particular the genus of the noun. Reading dialogues reinforces the understanding of the contextual application of the studied. The result of the lesson is the free operation of lexical and grammatical material developed in the lesson in everyday and professional communication.
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