



communicative culture, foreign language competence, professional and communicative skills, communication


The article deals with interpretation of terminological concepts of medical specialists’ communicative culture in the context of foreign language communication. The essence of speech culture is clarified, which is an important component of the professional profile of a future healthcare worker. It is emphasized that the formation of foreign language competence of a medical student is an integral aspect of professionally oriented education in medical institutions of higher educationand is carried out by mastering the features of communicative culture.Emphasis is placed on the need to analyze various methods and approaches to the formation of communicative culture in students with different levels of knowledge and skills. The issues of content and efficiency of the process of foreign language communicative competenceformation, selection of educational material, development of communicative component in the process of students’ mastering the basics of communication culture, modeling of foreign language communicationphenomena, analysis of speech situations are examined.The basic skills necessary for valuable professional activity are characterized; the principles of formation of future specialists’ communicative culture during studying of foreign languages are considered (humanization, individualization and differentiation, variability, emotional expressiveness, competence, coherence and continuity); the need to learn vocabulary for the correct formulation of the statement is emphasized; the main dominants of communicative culture (emotional, cognitive and behavioral components) are outlined. It is proposed to structure the formation of students’ speech culture in directions that involve the development of emotional, cognitive and behavioural components. It was found that the terminological vocabulary of the communicative culture of the future specialist covers the concepts of individual-personal component, motivational-volitional, social-communicative and speech activities, which complement each other in professional activity.

Author Biographies

I. I. Vorona, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-4691-2016

H. Ya. Kitura, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-5784-2016


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How to Cite

Vorona, I. I., & Kitura, H. Y. (2021). TERMINOLOGICAL VOCABULARY OF COMMUNICATIVE CULTURE IN THE PARADIGM OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE COMPETENCE. Medical Education, (1), 98–104. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2021.1.11975

