specific situations analysis, case methodAbstract
The article focuses on the issue of using case method as an interactive way of training in the medical education. History as well as classification and types of case demonstration, alongside with the steps of case study implementation, interactivity and feasibility for the use of the method in training medical students at Latin and English classes are considered.
The use of case study at the practical classes has been found to contribute to the development of students’ communication skills and ability to apply knowledge creatively. Besides, it develops group work skills as well skills in problem statement, search for the ways of addressing the problem, information collection and analysis, and rationale for one’s standpoint. Furthermore, it is an active training method that strengthens motivation and interest in studying a subject on the whole. A student gets accustomed to teamwork, as well as to stand his (her) ground and listen to different opinions. This is the moment the exchange of knowledge occurs. Case discussion provides combination of practical and theoretical aspects of a subject as well as clear understanding of what the previously gained knowledge is needed for.
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