


kinesitherapy, massage, remedial gymnastics, history, France


The article analyzes the development of kinesitherapy in France since 1970 to 2020. The scientific novelty of the paper is explained by the fact that the history of kinesitherapy in France has not attracted the attention of Ukrainian scientists, despite the fact that the quality of medical and rehabilitation services in the health care system of this country is considered one of the best in the world. The analysis revealed that in the 80’s and 90’s of the twentieth century it was improved the training system, standardized the professional actions, techniques and methods definitions, unified tasks, objectives and responsibilities of a physiotherapist. In 2002 a special resolution gave patients access to their medical history. In 2006 the list of medical techniques that massage therapists can use was regulated. The National Association of Massage Therapists was also established in 2006. In 2008, the Code of Deontology in Kinesitherapy was adopted; in 2020 it was amended and reedited. The reform of the training system for massage therapists began in 2015 with a change in the duration of training from three to four years, not taking into account a one-year course common to all medical students. Some the modules were to be passed at universities. At the specialists training institutes it has been introduced evidence-based practice aimed to acquire the competencies necessary to search theoretical and clinical information, to evaluate it to be used in professional activities. Digital technologies started to be actively used in the industry. Health care policy and the latest technologies have made it mandatory to keep professional documentation, in particular, the patient’s information card, which is considered as a parameter of quality and safety, and allows tracking all medical services provided to a patient.

Today in France there are a number of organizations related to the professional activities of massage therapists. In 2016, a new definition of the field was proposed, but discussions continue on the name of the field, the role of a masseur-physiotherapist, the cooperation with other professionals.

Author Biographies

M. V. Danylevych, Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Scopus Author ID 5670732800

O. V. Romanchuk, Ivan Bobersky Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Scopus Author ID 57188569190

N. O. Fedchyshyn, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

ResearcherID Q-5422-2016
Scopus Author ID 57202833382


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How to Cite

Danylevych, M. V., Romanchuk, O. V., Koval, R. S., & Fedchyshyn, N. O. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF KINESITHERAPY IN FRANCE (1970–2020). Medical Education, (1), 23–28.

