



speech, speech disorders, children with intellectual disabilities


The scientific work carried out a theoretical analysis of the peculiarities of speech development in children with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of the study is a theoretical substantiation of speech development in children with intellectual disabilities. Objectives of the study: to highlight the theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, both classical and modern research, on the problem of study; to consider the causes of intellectual disabilities; to highlight the degree of intellectual disabilities according to the international medical classification (ICD-10, DSM-IV-TR); to analyze the specifics of speech development in different categories of children with intellectual disabilities. As a result of scientific and theoretical research it was determined that depending on the nature of the disorders and the degree of damage to the cerebral cortex, speech development in children with intellectual disabilities has its characteristics. It is determined that the causes of intellectual retardation are the organic influence of adverse factors in the prenatal, natal and postnatal periods of child development. Analysis of scientific research indicates that children with intellectual disabilities have all forms of speech disorders. The structure of systemic speech underdevelopment is dominated by a semantic defect. The causes of speech disorders are determined by the degree of neurological symptoms. Medical influence, educational and corrective work can bring some categories of children closer to typical speech development. Certain aspects of pediatric speech pathology indicate the specifics of psychophysical disorders. The basis of speech formation in children is the development of phonemic (perception of speech sounds), phonetic (correct pronunciation), lexical (understanding the meaning of words, enriched vocabulary), grammatical (morphological and syntactic correctness of speech), discursive (narration, translation, dialogue, etc.), socio-cultural (use of speech in social situations).

Author Biography

O. B. Bielova, Ivan Ohiienko Kamianets-Podilsky National University

ResearcherID AAG-8468-2021
Scopus Author ID 57217044658


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How to Cite

Bielova, O. B. (2021). FEATURES OF SPEECH DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN WITH INTELLECTUAL DISORDERS. Medical Education, (1), 5–10. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2021.1.11876

