physical therapist, clinical practice, rehabilitation, elderlyAbstract
The article analyzes the role of clinical practice for bachelors and masters in the specialty “Physical Therapy. Occupational therapy” on the basis of geriatric boarding house in the professional development of future specialists. It is shown that an important role in the training of physical therapists is played by clinical practice, the purpose of which is to test and consolidate the knowledge gained by students in the study of basic clinical and other disciplines, further improvement of practical skills acquired during the school year, acquaintance with the organization and working conditions in medical institutions.
During the clinical practice, students learn to assess the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems in elderly patients, which is a very important factor before the start of rehabilitation. This makes it possible to carry out rational rehabilitation treatment with adequate dosage of physical activity for each patient during the stay in the geriatric boarding house, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of procedures and selection of individual exercises for each patient for further training, as elderly people need programs rehabilitation of exercises that correspond to age changes. Practical orientation of teaching clinical practice for bachelors and masters in the specialty “Physical Therapy. Occupational therapy” on the basis of geriatric boarding house expands the worldview of the future physical therapist and gives the chance to pick up rehabilitation intervention individually and to carry out its control. Qualitative organization of clinical practice for physical therapists provides an opportunity to consolidate practical skills in real professional conditions. Formation of clinical thinking, practice of practical skills, mastering the culture of communication with patients are the main areas of training in clinical practice for bachelors and masters in the specialty “Physical Therapy. Occupational therapy”.
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