analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical educationAbstract
Analytical chemistry is one of the basic disciplines in pharmaceutical education. It is the basis for further study of such disciplines as pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicological and forensic chemistry, standardization of drugs, etc. and involves the practical skills formation obtained by applying the acquired knowledges to study special disciplines and in professional activities [1, 2, 3]. Skills of qualitative and quantitative analysis by chemical and instrumental methods performing are necessary for further successful learning of physical and colloidal, organic, biological, pharmaceutical, toxicological and forensic chemistry, drug technology and other special disciplines.
Within the project “New and innovative teaching methods in pharmacy” associate professors of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University (TNMU) Mykhalkiv M. M., Ivanusa I. B. and Zahrychuk H. Ya. visited Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie. We visited the departments in which students of Pharmaceutical Faculty study and told with the professors of these departments about
teaching methods of disciplines, including analytical chemistry, and get acquainted with the areas of their research.
In Ukraine, according to the curriculum for higher education for branch of knowledge 22 “Health Care”, specialty 226 “Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” (second Master’s degree of higher education) with qualification “Master Pharmacy”, analytical chemistry belongs to the legislation disciplines (the cycle of general training). This discipline is studied by second-year students (3rd and 4th semester).
Until 2019 analytical chemistry for students of Pharmaceutical Faculty (specialty “Pharmacy”) in Lublin Medical University (Poland) was also studied by students in the second year (3rd and 4th semester), while from 2019–2020 academic year students will study analytical chemistry at first year (2 semester). Common approaches and differences in the teaching of analytical chemistry in Ukraine and Poland are presented in this article.
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Ivanusa, I.B., & Mykhalkiv, M.M. (2020). Osoblyvosti vykladannia analitychnoi khimii dlia studentiv farmatsevtychnoho fakultetu (zaochnoi formy navchannia) [Features of analytical chemistry teaching for students of pharmaceutical faculty (extramural education)]. Medychna osvita – Medical Education, (4), 14-17 [in Ukrainian].
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Polozhennia pro orhanizatsiiu osvitnoho protsesu v Ternopilskomu natsionalnomu medychnomu universyteti
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Sulabusy. Kierunek: farmacja. Retrieved from:
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