hygienic profile, student’s independent work, English speaking students, environmental educationAbstract
The article adduces the features of training English-speaking students of graduate courses in the departments of hygienic profile at the medical schools. It was established that the following issues remain difficult at the implementation of ecological education for English-speaking students in the departments of hygienic profile: adaptation of current national normative documents to the educational process; application of international regulatory standards and recommendations of US EPA and WHO international organizations, if compared with domestic counterparts; at the teaching of lectures and practical classes, especially on ecological-dependent pathology, should be taking into account deontological, national and religious peculiarities of foreign students. The results of the survey conducted among English-speaking six year students (36 students in total) showed that 40 to 60 % from total number of academic hours in the discipline should be assigned to independent work in a medical university, according to (25 and 19.4 %) respondents. At the same time, the time budget for IWS preparation differs: for theoretical subjects, on average, a foreign student spends 1–2 hours (30.5 %), while less than 1 hour (22.2 %) preparation for clinical disciplines. Majority of English-speaking students (53 %) believe that the amount of time they spend preparing for classes depends on their interest in learning a particular discipline. This is due to the complexity of this or that topic, as 55.5 % of respondents noted. The other 30.8 % of foreigners do not think so, which indicates about low motivation this quota of senior students to study in Medical Higher Education Institutions, and requires more careful attention of teachers in creating interest in the study of hygiene disciplines.
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