


human anatomy, foreign students, learning process


Human anatomy is a fundamental basic discipline that must be fully mastered by students of all faculties, including foreign students. This category of students studying in Ukrainian universities, feels difficulty not only in terms of language barrier, as it is in a foreign country, but is in a different cultural environment which requires in most cases, long-term adaptation. The need to solve these problems is met by every teacher who deals with this category of students, especially in the initial courses of teaching, as well as in organizing the process of cooperation with foreigners.

Comprehensive knowledge of human anatomy underpins the understanding and practice of medicine. Normal anatomy of the human body teaching is an established part of the medical curriculum. However, with a variety of tools and techniques employed to teach anatomy, there is uncertainty regarding methods to deliver optimal teaching. This article seeks to answer the question: what is the best method to teach anatomy to foreign medical students, including striking the right balance between use of novel technologies and traditional methods. In this study, we aim to evaluate how medical students learn anatomy. However, it is also important to outline technological uptake among undergraduate medical students to assess how feasible any new strategy would be. We hope to outline which methods and tools students find most useful for the assimilation and application of anatomical knowledge, helping to improve the teaching of anatomy and provide students with more appropriate material and methods to grasp the core normal anatomy needed at undergraduate level.

To achieve the goal of our subject – finding out the patterns of the structure of the body and mastering a large array of factual material, all available and possible traditional and modern methodological techniques are used.

Author Biographies

Kh. A. Kyryk, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

ResearcherID G-2035-2019

 Scopus Author ID 57204441937

R. Ya. Borys, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

 ResearcherID H-1836-2019

M. M. Mykhalevych, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University

ResearcherID AAF-1861-2019


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How to Cite

Kyryk, K. A., Borys, R. Y., & Mykhalevych, M. M. (2021). PRACTICE OF TEACHING THE BASIC DISCIPLINE “HUMAN ANATOMY” TO FOREIGN STUDENTS. Medical Education, (4), 68–72.

