dialogic speech, monologue speech, teaching methods and techniques, exercise system, Ukrainian as a foreign languageAbstract
The main aspects of the formation of dialogic skills during the course of Ukrainian as a Foreign Language are analyzed in the article. The author’s method of mastering the material, aimed at the optimal selection of ways to improve the efficiency of the lesson, is described. Methodical recommendations are given for the development of a medical profile of foreign students in the medical profile of dialogue.
It is substantiated that the system of teaching Ukrainian dialogic speech of foreigners involves mastering the linguistic and spoken knowledge of the Ukrainian language and the formation of communicative skills relevant for service in the Ukrainian language environment.
It is proved that the formation of the Ukrainian language competence of foreign students is based on language training, which includes free fluency in professional vocabulary and exchange of knowledge in medical subjects, discussion of topics, discussion on their subject. The analyzed aspects of the teaching of dialogue speech will help to optimize the learning process of foreign students in higher education institutions. It is proved that the formation of the Ukrainian language competence of foreign students is based on language training, which includes free fluency in professional vocabulary and exchange of knowledge in medical subjects, discussion of topics, discussion on their subject.
The analyzed aspects of dialogic speech training will help to optimize the process of teaching foreign students in higher educational establishments of Ukraine and can be used in further development of new methods of assessing the level of professional training of future medical professionals.
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