
  • N. A. Bilkevich I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • N. B. Haliyash I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • N. V. Petrenko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



communication skills, communication competencies, interactive teaching methods, role-playing games, medical students


Emphasizing the necessity of improving the level of medical graduates’ preparedness for professional activity, the article considers ways to improve the educational process of students in studying the subject of medical communication. Authors share their experience in implementing the course of medical communication in their educational institution, developing methodological and teaching materials and educational techniques applied during practical classes. Particular emphasis is on interactive methods of conducting such classes as an optimal form of communication skills training and the transformation of theoretical knowledge onto the level of competencies.

Inculcation of the course of medical communication in higher educational institutions is the answer to the challenge of our time. However, it requires new approaches in the organization of education process, in particular, application of teaching methods that would help students to gain advanced skills in communication. Such an approach can be realized by implementation of modern educational techniques based on interactive cooperation and role-playing games. As practice showed, this form of training is well appreciated by students, but requires additional training for teachers whose role during classes is different from commonly accepted.


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How to Cite

Bilkevich, N. A., Haliyash, N. B., & Petrenko, . N. V. (2019). MODERN APPROACHES TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATION COMPETENCE . Medical Education, (3), 52–57.

