
  • N. Y. Sherbatyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • I. M. Horishnyi I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • I. B. Chornomudz I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



age periods, algorithm, practical skills


This article analyzes the peculiarities of practical skills gaining in the process of studying pediatrics. Attention is paid to a healthy or a sick child of different age as the main object of the study. An algorithm of learning was proposed: “I know – I understand – I saw – I did – I’m able to do again”. The role of the student’s active position in the educational process is underlined. A student, observing the work of the teacher during the educational process, learns how to communicate with the parents of a sick child and with the child personally. This practice allows the student to implement the “saw” component of the algorithm. The individual work of the student is underlined in all the new training programs. But this component of the learning process will be effective only in case of a deep base of knowledge. For this purpose, it is advisable to do practical classes in the clinic using role-games or discussions in a small groups. The student will feel the need to improve his knowledge while “playing” the role of a doctor. He will have a desire for professional self-education, self-realization, and self-development. All mentioned above will give students possibility to master practical skills and will help them to pass OSCE, and to prepare for a state professionally-oriented graduating exam.


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How to Cite

Sherbatyuk, N. Y., Horishnyi, I. M., & Chornomudz, I. B. (2019). STUDYING BY STUDENTS PRACTICAL SKILLS OF PEDIATRICS. Medical Education, (3), 35–38.

