aesthetic education, child’s development, Germany, France, pedagogical process, educational institutionsAbstract
The article summarizes the pedagogical, historical and philosophical experience of aesthetic education in Germany and France. It has been substantiated that the aesthetic development of a child is an important element of the educational process. Based on the analysis of philosophical concept and pedagogical views of J. F. Herbart, it has been determined that in the educational process of a child, a prominent role is given to the aesthetic component (artistic potential, free and creative expression of thoughts, experiences). The actual approaches of the German thinker to solving important problems of education and aesthetic development of a child have been substantiated. The model of the aesthetic development of a child in France, the attitude to the surrounding reality and art, the ability to perceive the manifestations of the beautiful in nature, everyday life and human relations have been revealed. The necessity of cultivating the ability for aesthetic activity (creativity, pleasure, formation of aesthetic tastes, feelings, ideals) has been explained.
Studying the historical experience of aesthetic education in Germany and France, which embodies the advanced ideas of European pedagogical thought and which today occupies leading positions in the educational process, is of considerable interest for practicing educators. From a pedagogical point of view, aesthetic education in Germany and France is based on the primary development of the child’s aesthetic perception, creativity, artistic vision: literature, music, painting.
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