
  • H. P. Palasyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University
  • B. M. Palasyuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



nursing education, Austria, scientific research, master’s course, doctorate


The priority direction of the reform of the nursing staff training system in Austria was determined by the introduction of higher nursing education and the further development of nursing as a science. Scientific research on problems of care for patients was isolated in a separate scientific specialty “Nursing”. The subject of research in the care of patients is the study of the effects of diseases and physical defects on human life and scientific substantiation of the most appropriate forms of nursing activity and nursing interventions in the care of patients. Master’s research work should correspond to the profile of the master’s course, to be an independent creative work to study the actual problem of nursing. The dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Science in Nursing is an independent research work, which makes a significant contribution to the further development of nursing science. At the first stage of writing a doctoral dissertation, a doctoral student independently or with the help of a scientific consultant develops a detailed project of a dissertation study. At this stage, the doctoral student at practical classes receives the necessary assistance in planning a dissertation study. Materials for planning a doctoral dissertation are studied by a specially created commission. Doctoral students should take an active part in conferences, including annual European doctoral conferences on patient care issues. Research work is carried out in line with the scientific work of the institute, in which a doctoral student is studying. The main provisions of the thesis are covered in at least four individual publications in leading scientific journals. The dissertation consists of introduction, description of the methodology and the results of the conducted research, the main part, which describes the main provisions of the dissertation research, and conclusions. The text of the dissertation must be written in English, the conclusions are in English and German.

Scientific research in the Austrian nursing school contributes to the formation of a scientific basis for the medical practice of mid-level employees, provides a scientific approach to nursing activities on the basis of evidence-based medicine.

Author Biographies

H. P. Palasyuk, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

ORCID 0000-0002-0754-6394

ResearcherlD B-9944-2017

B. M. Palasyuk, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

ORCID 0000-0002-7684-8214

ResearcherID B-3382-2016

Scopus Author ID 57201357613


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How to Cite

Palasyuk, H. P., & Palasyuk, B. M. (2019). NURSING CARE RESEARCHES IN AUSTRIAN UNIVERSITIES. Medical Education, (2), 178–183.

