quality management system, learning processAbstract
The aim of the work – to highlight the importance of creating a quality management system, taking into account the experience of the National University of Pharmacy, and outline its perspectives.
The main body. In order to support the functioning of the internal quality management system at the National Pharmaceutical University, a completely new structural unit for the university was created – the Quality Management Department.
The functions of Quality Management Department include the planning of the University’s activities, organizational and methodological support for internal and external audits, the procedure for rating departments and NPP, monitoring the effectiveness of the quality management system processes, introducing risk-oriented approaches to the functioning of the quality management system, personnel training, document management coordination, etc.
The informative model of the quality management system National Pharmaceutical University is represented by a cascade planning system, which involves the gradual elaboration of plans from the Mission and Policy University to the plans of individual performers.
Conclusions. The University leadership believes that the implemented quality management system is an effective mechanism for preventing the emergence of internal and reducing the impact of external risks. The established quality management system of the National University of Pharmacy is a meaningful basis for the development of an internal quality assurance system for higher education in pharmacy.
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