social competence, family doctor, interaction, patient, componentAbstract
The article is dedicated to relatively new in the Ukrainian Healthcare notion of the family doctors’ social competence.
Social competence of a family doctor is a type of his professional competence, represented with his knowledge, skills and abilities of interaction within the medical environment when performing the professional duties, interacting with the medical personnel, patients and their relatives. Social character of the family doctor’s profession predisposes for necessity of his social competence development. Within the family doctor’s social competence structure, the following components have been established: motivation, management and cognition. The motivation component is represented with the doctor’s motivation for work as well as numerous traits of his character which characterize his personality (will component, ability to restrain oneself). The cognition component is represented with the knowledge and abilities of productive communication and skills of their practical application. The management component includes interaction and conflict management strategies (communication mindset, tolerance, etc.). Testing social competence level both in future family doctors (medical students) and already practicing specialists should be implemented. Social competence represents a necessary component of the family doctor professional competence. The correction of these defined components of the family doctor’s social competence separately and as a whole structure will provide for improvement of the family doctor performance and quality of his work.
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