About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Theory and methodology of education at institutions of higher education of pre-graduate and post-graduate levels.

“Medical education” journal (founded in 1999) publish articles on original studies; analytical surveys for modern problems of medical education; modern approaches to teaching future medical workers; exchange of academic and research experience; brief reports, articles about practice, reviews, historical notes. Original articles can be followed by comments of editorial board members, editorial team or authority on current focus.

Only previously unreleased materials can be accepted for publication. Previously published or submitted articles cannot be accepted for publication.

By submitting an article for publication, the author agrees that the copyright for this article pass to the publisher, on condition that the article is accepted for publication. Copyright includes the exclusive right to copy, distribution and translation of the article. Reprinting of the articles is possible only with the written consent of editorial board and by condition of exclusive reference “Medical Education” journal.

The authors are responsible for the accuracy and originality of provided materials. The Editorial Board retains the right to shorten and edit articles. Editors reserve the right to refuse to print articles without explanation. Rejection of the publishing cannot be accepted as a negative opinion on the scientific and practical value of the article.

Editorial policy

The journal “Medical Education” is the academic and research title focused on spreading information on basic problems of medical education, ways to improve it and the experience of training organization at higher medical institutions, publication of researchers’, teachers’, practicing doctors’ articles.

General comments

Manuscripts will be accepted only on condition that neither the manuscript nor any part of it has been published previously in print or digital formats and that they are currently not covered by another publisher.

Manuscripts are considered by independent experts.

The manuscripts can be accepted for publication only if they get two positive reviews.

Manuscripts can be referred to respective authors for correcting.

After  correcting the author must return the manuscript to the editor within 14 days; otherwise manuscript is considered withdrawn.

All materials submitted for publication in the journal to be examined by two independent reviewers who assess the content and originality of the article.

By submitting an article to the journal authors are aware of the fact that it will be checked for compliance plagiarism.

Literary editors (Ukrainian and English) check grammar and style of the manuscript. Quotes from other articles should be listed according to the source.

Peer Review Process

Articles are reviewed by the editorial board members. When reviewing the relevance of stated problems, methodological level, presentation accuracy, prospects for further research are evaluated.

Open Access Policy

This journal is practicing a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge to the general social progress.