



OSCE, educational process, communicative competence


The paper deals with the taking of objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) for the students of third year of studies. There were presented the scientific and methodical views on the carrying out of OSCE in various universities and countries, where there was shown the possibility to estimate not only the theoretical knowledge of student, but also the practical ones (the functional as well as the communicative). There was performed the detailed analysis of work at two stations (the physical diagnostics of cardio-vascular system; the questioning of patient with the diseases of internal organs of the body) using different check-lists that enables to observe the theoretical and practical knowledge of students. There were given the examples of thorough analysis of communicative competences of medical students that passed OSCE. Some accents were made on the communication as the foundation of work of the future doctor, since the ability of effective communication is acquired and demands constant development, training and improvement as well as general theoretical and practical knowledge in medicine.

The cooperation at OSCE allows understanding better the teaching methodology for medical students on the initial courses and improving the teaching for the undergraduate students. While working with the students every day, it is necessary to stress not only on the theoretical and practical nuances of the medicine in general, but also on the communicative skills, on the vocabulary, on the formulation of questions and sentences, and so on. In the future, it would be appropriate to organize the additional elective courses, lectures, online trainings on communication, psychology, professional language of medical specialists in order to form the specialists of high level that can orientate in various medical and communicative situations and also to avoid the emotional burnout of medical student, and the subsequent doctor.


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How to Cite

Korylchuk, N. I., Vorontsov, O. O., & Yasniy, O. R. (2020). TAKING OF OBJECTIVE STRUCTURED CLINICAL EXAMINATION. Medical Education, (4), 18–23. https://doi.org/10.11603/me.2414-5998.2019.4.10667

