medical education, credit-transfer system, foreign students, medical rehabilitation.Abstract
The aim of the work – tо analyze experience of using credit-transfer system of organization the educational process of foreign students and effectiveness of its implementation at the Department of Medical Rehabilitation in Ternopil State Medical University.
The main body. The experience of English teaching foreign students at the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of TSMU on credit-transfer system shows that the subjects and methods of teaching that are used have effective influence and allow to realize set tasks. By increasing the volume of visual material, studying new methods of rehabilitation, compiling the individual programs of medical rehabilitation in various pathologies and work in physiotherapy department, students increase their level of knowledge and qualifications as a specialist. And also teachers, by teaching foreign students stimulate the improving of using foreign language and professional skills.
Conclusions. In the studying of clinical disciplines there is the formation in foreign students the medical and clinical thinking, a creative approach, which are encouraged by the motivation to study the educational material and interest to medicine in general. We believe, that the methods of studying at the medical rehabilitation departments can significantly improve the efficiency of teaching foreign students. The credit-transfer system of educational process provides the effective training of future specialists, promotes for teachers the improvement of teaching methods for foreign students and stimulate integration into the world educational space.
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