
  • Yu. Yu. Martynova M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University



adaptation-compensatory psychological mechanisms, breast cancer, mastectomy, coping-strategy, mechanism of psychological defence, internal picture of illness.


Morbidity and breast cancer (BC) treatment remains a serious medical and social problem nowadays, there is an increase in interest in psychological problems of patients with malignant neoplasms, first of all, in the aspect of prevention of their mental health disorders and the formation of effective psychological compensatory mechanisms of adaptation.

The aim of the study – to research the compensatory and adaptive resources of women.

Materials and Methods. On the basis of the Cancer Hospital, there was conducted a study in which we examined 104 patients who had mastectomy after being diagnosed with breast cancer, the main group (MG ) consisted of 72 patients who had undergone radical mastectomy, and the comparison group (CG) – 32 women after sectoral mastectomy. The work used Lazarus' method – "Coping methods", the methodology for diagnosing the index of life style (ILS ) (Plutychyka – Kellerman – Conte questionnaire), TOBOL questionnaire.

Results and Discussion. The analysis of the results revealed the nature of the adaptive potential of each of the examined patients. There was a tendency to use mechanisms of psychological protection (MPP ), rather than coping strategies, the increased general level of MPP and the prevalence of their "objection" (adaptive MPP ), "projection" and "reactive education" (maladaptive MPP ) in their structure. Leading coping strategies were "distancing" (non-constructive coping strategy), "accepting responsibility" (relatively constructive), rarely used "self-control" (constructive) and "escape-avoidance" (non-constructive). Consequently, there were identified the markers of psychological maladaptation, which are closely related to the peculiarities of the style of protective and stress-tolerant behavior. This is an increase in the overall level of IPS voltage, prevalence in the structure of maladaptive MPP and non-constructive coping strategies. Analyzing the average points for TPN Z blocks, it was revealed that in patients with CG the indices of the first block (the most adaptive) are higher than in the women of the MG . Levels of the second and third blocks of people within MG substantially outnumber such patients in the CG.

Conclusions. The obtained data indicate a more adverse reaction to the disease in patients within MG . The analysis of the results detected a character of adaptational potential of each of the patient. It gave an opportunity to make a clinically reasonable decision to choose the psychotherapy targets (intrа- or inter-mental) and psycho-correctional methods (psychotherapeutic techniques) for each separate case.


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