Peculiarities of the prevalence and clinical course of generalized periodontitis of primary and grade I in pregnant women against the background of iron deficiency anemia


  • O. H. Boychuk-Tovsta ННІПО Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет



pregnant women, generalized periodontitis, iron deficiency anemia.


Summary.The attention of scientists attracts the task of preserving the health of the mother and the fetus in general, as well as studying the oral cavity during pregnancy, in order to prevent the formation of a «dental chroniospermic hearth». The issue of dental morbidity in pregnant women with somatic pathology remains relevant. This is due to many factors, in particular: a significant prevalence of periodontal diseases among the population, an increase in the frequency of extragenital diseases in pregnant women, the influence of infection on the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Frequent complications of pregnancy are iron deficiency anemia (IDA), which ranks first among all the complications of the gestation period.

The aim of the study – to learn the prevalence and peculiarities of the clinical course of generalized periodontitis of primary and grade I in pregnant women on the background of IDA.

Materials and Methods. For solving our tasks, we examined 352 women in the 2nd–3rd trimester of pregnancy at the age of 18–35 years. The original form of generalized periodontitis were observed in 141 individuals with iron deficiency anemia medium and light that formed the core group. The comparison group comprised 98 pregnant women with generalized periodontitis of primary and grade I without concomitant iron deficiency anemia.

Results and Discussion. According to research results, the main group generalized periodontitis initial degree met in (43.97±4.18) % of the patients, which was 1.3 times less than in the comparison group. However, the number of cases of generalized periodontitis of the 1st degree in the main group exceeded 1.4 times the similar indicator of the comparison group with values (59.18±4.96) % and (40.82±4.96) % respectively. At the age of 18–26 years, generalized periodontitis of primary level was diagnosed in 1.4 times less than in the surveyed comparison group (48.05±5.69) % vs. (67.92±6.41) %. In the age range of 27–35 years in the main group, generalized periodontitis of initial degree was registered in (39.06±6.10) % of the examined, which was 1.3 times lower than that of the comparison group (48.89±7.45) %. Generalized periodontitis of the degree 1 in patients of the main group aged 18–26 years was recorded in (51.95±5.69)% of the surveyed, which significantly exceeded this index of the comparison group by 1.6 times (32.07±6.41) %. With the increase in age to 27–35 years, the number of cases of generalized periodontitis of the degree 1 in the main group exceeded the similar number of comparison groups in 1.2 times: (60.93±6.10) % and (51.11±7.45) % respectively. In the main group at the age of 18–26, the number of cases of generalized periodontitis degree 1 was insignificantly higher than the number of diagnosed generalized periodontitis of initial degree: (51.95±5.69) % versus (48.05±5.69) %, respectively. However, in the age interval 27–35 years degree generalized periodontitis and generalized periodontitis prevailed entry level 1.6 times. The analysis of objective symptoms of the course of generalized periodontitis in the patients of the study groups showed that in pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia, the clinical picture of GP was significantly more pronounced than in women with uncomplicated pregnancy. In the main group, the expressive (63.12 %) bleeding gums in 1.8 times prevailed in the comparator group (35.71 %). Moderate bleeding in the main group was 1.8 times less (36.88 %) than in the comparison group (64.29 %). 66.67 % of the surveyed main group, against 40.82 % of the comparison group, pointed out the tenderness of the gums. The absence of pain in the gums was noted by 33.33 % of the patients with IDA and 59.18 % of the comparison groups under study. In pregnant women of the main group, severe hyperemia of the gums was 1.5 times more frequent compared to the comparison group (65.25 % versus 43.88 %, respectively). At the same time, a slight redness of gums determined 1.6 times more often in women without pregnancy complications than pregnant women with IDA (56.12 % vs. 34.75 %, respectively).

Conclusions. Thus, as a result of the analysis of the parodontium tissue condition found that prevalence, intensity and expressiveness of clinical symptoms of generalized periodontitis were significantly higher in pregnant women compared to women with generalized periodontitis without complications of pregnancy. This fact indicates the negative effect of iron deficiency like physical disease, periodontal status in pregnant women.

Author Biography

O. H. Boychuk-Tovsta, ННІПО Івано-Франківський національний медичний університет

 Бойчук-Товста Оксана Григорівна, асистент кафедри стоматології


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How to Cite

Boychuk-Tovsta, O. H. (2018). Peculiarities of the prevalence and clinical course of generalized periodontitis of primary and grade I in pregnant women against the background of iron deficiency anemia. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (2), 10–15.



Terapeutic stomatology