Analysis of the methods of evaluation and influence of polishing of composite materials on the functional forecast of restorations


  • S. B. Kostenko ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»
  • I. Y. Hangur ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»
  • I. V. Sorokopud ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»
  • M. Y. Goncharuk-Khomyn ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»
  • G. N. Nakashidze ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»



roughness, polishing, composite restoration.


Summary. Among the proposed USPHS criteria approved by FDI, the level of gloss and polishing of restorations plays a key role in preventing not only such complications  as disocorporations or changes in their texture in the future, but also preventing secondary caries and sealing disintegration, since areas with high roughness play the role of retention points for the accumulation of bacterial plaque and the further progression of the above-described complications.

The aim of the study to analyze the methods for assessing the quality of polishing composite restorations and to determine the role of influence roughness factor of their surface on the prediction of their functioning and change of color stability parameters, formation of biofilm and shine.

Materials and Methods. Search of publications related to the topic of this analysis was conducted by the Google Scholar search engine by the keywords "roughness", "polishing", "composite restorations" and their analogues in English. The depth of search, taking into account the age of key articles, determined by the level of their citation in later periodicals, did not exceed 15 years. In order to organize the received data, Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft Office) table editor was used to group  pre-selected articles based on the results of the provided content analysis.

Results and Discussion. In the course of the analysis, it was established that the basic laboratory methods for assessing the roughness of the restoration surface, as an indicator of the quality of polishing, are atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and profilometry. Most often, in order to verify the aforementioned parameter in the analyzed studies, the Ra value of mean arithmetic deviation of the profile was used, on the basis of which analysis it was possible to determine the dependence of the possibilities for achieving the corresponding level of restoration polishing on the structure of the composite material used, the system and phases of polishing, and the tribological nature of the interaction of the polishing system and the surface of the restoration.

Conclusions. The results of the analysis show that the data obtained in the course of previous clinical and laboratory studies dedicated to the effect of polishing on various restoration parameters are debatable and a more specific systematization is required, with the selection of the investigated aspects of brightness, roughness, color stability and functional prediction changes due to the polishing method in separate independent subjects for research, with further phased combination of them after obtaining unambiguous numerical data, subjected to appropriate objective interpretation.

Author Biographies

S. B. Kostenko, ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»

Директор науково-навчального центру судової стоматології, сертифікований спеціаліст у галузі ідентифікації осіб за стоматологічним статусом у випадках масових катастроф (Рейк’явік, 2015), член Асоціації судової стоматології України, Osteuropa Verein Rechtsmedizin (Німеччина), International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (Італія), Лауреат премії Національної Академії медичних наук України (2015), магістр медицини (2015), аспірант кафедри ортопедичної стоматології Державного вищого навчального закладу «Ужгородський національний університет»

I. Y. Hangur, ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»

Завідувач кафедри ортопедичної стоматології ДВНЗ "УжНУ"

I. V. Sorokopud, ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»

Асистент кафедри терапевтичної стоматології ДВНЗ "УжНУ"

M. Y. Goncharuk-Khomyn, ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»

Асистент кафедри терапевтичної стоматології ДВНЗ "УжНУ

G. N. Nakashidze, ГВУЗ «Ужгородский национальный университет»

Пошукач кафедри ортопедичної стоматології ДВНЗ "УжНУ"


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How to Cite

Kostenko, S. B., Hangur, I. Y., Sorokopud, I. V., Goncharuk-Khomyn, M. Y., & Nakashidze, G. N. (2018). Analysis of the methods of evaluation and influence of polishing of composite materials on the functional forecast of restorations. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1).



Terapeutic stomatology