
  • O. O. Kolesnik Національний інститут раку, Київ
  • A. I. Rybin Одеський національний медичний університет, Одеса



ovarian cancer, treatment, resistance to platinum, prognosis, platinum, disregulator violations, sanogenesis.


The aim of study – to learn biomedical bases of predicting the effectiveness of platinum chemotherapy and increase the sensitivity of tumors to first-line chemotherapy.

Materials and Methods. From 2007 to 2011 189 patients with ovarian adenocarcinoma III-IV stage were examined. They underwent adjuvant chemotherapy courses with drugs platinum after suboptimal or suboptimal cytoreductive surgery in postoperative period. The criterion for the dividing into groups was sensitivity to platinum drugs.

Results and Discussion. It was shown that women with ovarian cancer have typical tension of sanogenetic mechanisms in human body. State of sanogenesis in patients with ovarian cancer affects the sensitivity or refractority of tumors to chemotherapy with platinum drugs. To the markers of platinum-resistance we should include the genetic ones (presence of mutions in BRCA1 5832insC and BRCA2 6174delAG in hetero- and homozygous variant, microsatellite instability), high activity of cyclins D and E, increased levels of catecholamines, high level expression of nitric oxide, the degree hyperuricemia, active expression receptors for epidermal growth factor and activity CAS 20q13. Women with the presence of these factors need to apply appropriate drugs for correction of disregulator violations.

Conclusions. If probable platinumresistance is advisable due to the standard first-line therapy they should use the drugs for correction of disregulator disorders (donors of nitric oxide, detoxicant, anti-uricemic remedies). In patients with predictable sensitivity to platinum standard first-line treatment can be supplemented by remedies that can improve the tolerated therapy, but it is inappropriate to use the medicines for correction of disregulator disorders.

Author Biography

O. O. Kolesnik, Національний інститут раку, Київ



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How to Cite

Kolesnik, O. O., & Rybin, A. I. (2017). PREDICTION OF TREATMENT EFFICIENCY IN PATIENTS WITH THE OVARIAN CANCER. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2).

