
  • O. M. Pavlovska Одеський Національний медичний університет




genitourinary syndrome of menopause, genitourinary dysfunction, vaginal health index, stress urinary incontinence.


The aim of the study – to determine the clinical efficacy of complex drug therapy to correct the genitourinary syndrome of menopause.

Materials and methods. There were examined 50 women aged 49–57 with menopausal genitourinary disorders. The patients were divided into two groups. The patients of the main group received the estrogen – containing drug, phytouroseptic and homeopathic medicine that regulate rhythmic processes in CNS. The patients of the comparison group were administered the estrogen – containing drug and phytouroseptic. All patients underwent routine clinical and laboratory examination. The degree of manifestation of the urogenital disorders was assessed by the vaginal health Index by the criteria of G.Bochman, D. Barlow scale, daily Pad-test by the ICS standards.

Results and discussion. In determining the vaginal health Index in 29 (58 %) patients were revealed moderate signs of genitourinary disorders (3 points), 21 (42 %) had weak disorders (4 points), on an average – 3.42 ± 0.50 points. It was established that before treatment the majority of patients – 36 (72 %) assessed their condition as “significant recurrent problem that affects everyday life” (3 points), 14 (28 %) patients described it as “discomfort, which periodically impact on daily life” (2 points), on an average – 2.72 ± 0.45 points. The stage I of incontinence was observed in 47 (94 %) women examined, the stage II – in 3 (6 %). The proposed scheme of drug therapy aimed at correcting major pathogenetic links of urogenital menopausal syndrome formation is not long-term, but quite effective and safe for women of the menopausal age.

Conclusions. Inclusion of drugs in treatment of urogenital menopausal syndrome that regulate rhythmic processes in the
pathogenesis of CNS is justified and promising.

Author Biography

O. M. Pavlovska, Одеський Національний медичний університет

асистент кафедри акушерства та гінекології № 1, к.мед.н.


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How to Cite

Pavlovska, O. M. (2017). СORRECTION FEATURES OF THE GENITOYRINARY SYNDROME OF MENOPAUSE. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2). https://doi.org/10.11603/24116-4944.2017.2.7579

