
  • L. B. Markin Danylo Halyts'kyi National Medical University
  • O. I. Popovych Danylo Halyts'kyi National Medical University
  • A. I. Popovych Danylo Halyts'kyi National Medical University



pregnancy, hypotension, uterine-placental-fetal hemodynamic.


The aim of the study is to research the uterine-placental-fetal hemodynamic in pregnant women with arterial hypotension.

Materials and methods. Doppler study of blood flow in the uterine-placenta-fetal system is presented in 43 pregnant women with arterial hypotension and 32 pregnant women with normal arterial tension during pregnancy weeks – 20–24, 28–32, 37–41. For the assessment of haemodynamics in the mother-placenta-fetus we used a method doplerometria to study the blood flow using the device “SA-8000 EX” (Medison, South Korea) in obstetric programs with convex transduser (3.5 MHz). Doplerometric study included the observation and the assessment of blood flow in uterine arteries, artery of the umbilical cord and middle cerebral artery of the fetus.

Results and discussion. The presence of irregularities in the uterine-placental-fetal system in the both examinated groups was feund In the first group indexes of vessel's resistance in the right and level uterine arterias were much more higher than in the second group. The most of changer were presented in the right uterine arteria. Hemodynamic irregularities in pregnant women with arterial hypotension were presented by increasing of the intervillage space, transversal size of regional sine, varicose expansion of parametral veins. The phenomen of venous stagnation were accompanied by the high indexes of vascular resistance in uterine arterias and more often at a dynamic supervision brought a delay of height of fetus. Study of hemodynamic indexer in the artery of umbilical cord revealed the tendency of increase of all indexes during the pregnancy in the first group and their reduction – in the second ( control) group. And it was presented increasing of all indexes in the third trimester of pregnancy in pregnant women with arterial hypotension comparing with the control group. The study of fetal hemodynamics educed the decline of the blood flow resistance in the middle cerebral artery of fetus with progress of pregnancy and centralization of blood circulation. Strengthening of cerebral circulation of the fetus is a compensatory reaction to chronic tissue hypoxia.

Conclusions. Irregularities of the utero-placental blood flow that is developing in pregnant women with primary arterial hypotension, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy lead to fetal distress.


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How to Cite

Markin, L. B., Popovych, O. I., & Popovych, A. I. (2017). DOPLEROMETRIC EXAMINATION UTERINE-PLACENTAL-FETAL HEMODYNAMIC IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH ARTERIAL HYPOTENSION. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

