
  • O. O. Korchynska Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod
  • K. P. Kostur Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod
  • N. V. Kryvanych Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod
  • M. M. Zhyla Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod
  • S. Zultakova Preshov University, Preshov, Slovak Republic
  • H. Galdunova Preshov University, Preshov, Slovak Republic



allergic diseases, allergic rhinitis, pregnancy, complications.


The aim of the study – review of clinical, peculiarities, therapy and prevention of seasonal allergic rhinitis in pregnant women

Materials and Methods. Literature information of national and world authors in medical library of Thanscarpathian regional medical informational and analytical center and analyzed sources of the Internet. 

Results and Discussion. The article considers the reasons of allergic rhinitis during pregnancy, observes its peculiarities. Also, the article shows influence of allergic rhinitis on pregnancy and on fetus, possible complications and consequences of the disease.  Understanding the characteristics of treatment, diagnostics and choice of medical treatment according to the level of potential danger to a pregnant woman and her future child is provided. Analyzed dates of literature sources authors found that nearly third of women during reproductive age suffer seasonal allergic rhinitis, that’s why the article is topically and has scientific role. During pregnancy the symptoms of the disease get changes that complicate the diagnostics.  The article considers the questions about therapy of seasonal allergic rhinitis in pregnant women, the main in it is that during prescribing of drug’s therapy you should guided by classification of categories of risk of the drugs (FDA – Food and Drugs Administration).

Conclusions. Pregnant women with seasonal allergic rhinitis need dynamic monitoring, correct treatment, control and evaluation of effects of the prescribed therapy. Authors also give advice about conduct consultation that consist allergist-immunologist, obstetrician, gynecologist and other medical specialists for determining treatment strategy and prevention of complications of the allergic diseases in women during pregnancy. A small number of experiments and publications about the topic shows that as obstetricians and gynecologists, as allergists don’t carry out of learning peculiarities, diagnostics, treatment and prevention allergic diseases during pregnancy. As serious complications of the disease can have negative influence as on mother’s organism, as on child, that’s why development of the  methods of prevention and effective therapy is very important. And it cans change quality of life. That’s why, if we want to keep future mother and her child healthy, we should learn more about peculiarities of allergic rhinitis in pregnant and its reasons. It gives opportunities for correct preparation, observation and treatment about patients during pregnancy. 

Author Biographies

O. O. Korchynska, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod

PhD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology SHEE Uzhhorod National University

K. P. Kostur, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod

5-year student of the medical faculty

N. V. Kryvanych, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod

5-year student of the medical faculty

M. M. Zhyla, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod

5-year student of the medical faculty

S. Zultakova, Preshov University, Preshov, Slovak Republic

PhD in Medicine

H. Galdunova, Preshov University, Preshov, Slovak Republic

PhD in Medicine


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How to Cite

Korchynska, O. O., Kostur, K. P., Kryvanych, N. V., Zhyla, M. M., Zultakova, S., & Galdunova, H. (2017). PECULIARITIES AND TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS DURING PREGNANCY. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

