
  • H. M. Havrylyuk
  • O. M. Makarchuk



hysterectomy, posthysterectomy syndrome, psychosоmatic violations quality of life.


In recent years, marked by the development of uterine fibroids in women with unfulfilled reproductive function, and increases the fate of combined forms of hyperplastic processes of the reproductive system – in 20–25 % of women aged 30 years and 60 % – over the age of 40 years. PURPOSE – evaluation of individual indicators of metabolic homeostasis in patients with uterine cancer after surgical its health and is an assessment of the quality of life. A comprehensive examination and surgical treatment of 40 women of reproductive age with uterine cancer who performed hysterectomy with preservation applications. The control group included 20 somatically healthy women. Used conventional clinical laboratory tests, laboratory evaluation of hormonal status, lipid profile, the character of the distribution of fat and degree of obesity by body mass index, ultrasound (US) of the pelvis, liver, kidney, thyroid, mammary glands. Quality of life was studied based on a comprehensive evaluation using the modified scale SF-36 and the study of such important indicators as energy, sleep, emotional reactions, social isolation, physical activity, pain feeling. All kinds of statistical analysis performed using a standard package «Statistica for Windows – 6.0». A history revealed in the surveyed contingent deteriorating physical health of patients with high rates of liver and gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders (obesity, hypertensive disorders, cystic fibrosis, breast), metabolic endocrine changes and surgery. Overall, the analysis of indicators of hormonal profile of women with the syndrome manifestations posthysterectomy 5 years after the operation is set to 36.66 % of the cases statistically significant increase in prolactin levels at 40.00 % – gipoestrogen and 46.66 % of patients – signs of hyperandrogenism confirmed laboratory criteria. Changing the quality of life in patients with hyperplastic processes uterus manifested in the postoperative period, a decrease in physical activity in 43.33 % of cases, sexual dysfunction growth – at 36.66 % inhibition mental state, conflict orientation of social behavior, weakening roleplaying functions and subjective deterioration of general health and quality of life in 51.66 % of cases. Long-term effects after surgery accompanied by a progressive deterioration of hypoestrogen the ovaries that appear to reduce their volume by ultrasound, reducing the number and size of follicles, deterioration of blood supply to the ovaries, reducing blood flow to the internal iliac artery basin and subjective deterioration of general health and quality of life.


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How to Cite

Havrylyuk, H. M., & Makarchuk, O. M. (2016). POSTHYSTERECTOMIC INFRINGEMENT, FEATURES EVALUATING QUALITY OF LIFE. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2).

