
  • A. V. Boychuk
  • I. M. Nikitina
  • S. A. Smiian
  • B. M. Behosh



multiple pregnancy, monochorionic twins, bichorionic twins, fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal growth retardation.


Clinical and immunological research of placentas in women with multiple pregnancy was conduted. There was noted the presence of morphological and functional, immunopathologic changes of varying severity. It is proved that in women with miscarriage at the level of multiple pregnancy placental insufficiency depends on the blood supply to the placenta and the nature of the inflammatory manifestations. The morphological pattern of placental disorders in miscarriage was revealed that the morphological features of placental insufficiency in non-infectious factors of miscarriage are early changes in the vessels of the decidua in a spasm, obliteration of the lumen of the spiral arteries, a decrease of vascular villous tree, reducing the amount of chorionic epithelium and peripheral trophoblast, increased maternal and fetal deposits fibrinoid. Thanks to the research it will be possible to form a clear vision that would allow on the basis of public spending immunomorfological features pathogenetically substantiated therapy prenatal complications arising from multiple pregnancies.


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How to Cite

Boychuk, A. V., Nikitina, I. M., Smiian, S. A., & Behosh, B. M. (2016). MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE PLACENTA IN MULTIPLE PREGNANCIES. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2).

