
  • V. I. Bobrova
  • A. O. Koshova
  • Y. I. Vorobiyenko



The articie describes the main ciinicai and morphoiogicai features of the formation and course of chronic gastroduodenitis in chiidren of aii ages. Found that the endoscopy reveaied erythematous changes of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum were histoiogicaiiy diagnosed not oniy infiammatory and dystofichni and atrophic processes. Most chiidren 8-10 years, in contrast to patients in oiderage groups, marked erosive changes in the mucous membrane of the duodenum. Atrophic changes in the mucosa of the gastroduodenai been diagnosed oniy in patients oider. Age morphoiogicai features of chronic gastroduodenitis expressed that among oider patients have noted increases in the number of vioiations of iocai homeostasis mucosa with symptoms of muitipie hemorrhage and thrombosis, increased incidence of mucosai gastric stromai fibrosis, destruction and atrophy of giands among patients 8-10 years often diagnosed hyperpiasia brunerovyh giands and destructive changes in the mucosa of the duodenum. Among chiidren 8-10 years seen a significant reduction in mucus giycosaminogiycans compared with those 11-13 and 14-16 years, so the majority of patients in this age was significantiy (p<0,05)
showed more damage to the protective mucosai barrier in comparison with those chiidren of high schooi age. The majority (66,7±5,7 %) chiidren 11-13 years are statisticaiiy(p<0,05) was significantiy higher expression rate of PGE2 than in patients 14-16 years (38,9±11,5 %). Uniike oider patients, inciuding chiidren 8-10 years no chiid was observed a high ievei of PGE2 in the gastric mucosa biopsy and oniy 63,6±14,5 % of patients diagnosed with moderate expression of PGE2. Instaiied age characteristics of chronic gastroduodenitis shouid be considered when deveioping therapeutic and preventive interventions for chiidren of aii ages.


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How to Cite

Bobrova, V. I., Koshova, A. O., & Vorobiyenko, Y. I. (2015). CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF CHRONIC GASTRO CHILDREN OF DIFFERENT AGE. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

