
  • T. V. Stoyeva
  • H. K. Kopiyka
  • S. V. Prokhorova



allergy, atopic dermatitis, etiology, pathogenesis, allergens.


Arterial hypertension is the most common cause of cardio - vascular diseases, which later often leads to early disability and mortality. Often hypertension debuts at a teenager, but it is so difficult to diagnose it in children, because high blood pressure has not yet have a stable nature and does not reach high numbers. Communication cardiac and renal disease has attracted the attention of both nephrologists and physicians: cardiologists, family physicians, pediatricians. Currently nephropathy is an independent predictor of cardio - vascular disease. However, clinical symptoms occur only at later stages of the dysfunction. Thus, the primary task of preventive medicine is early diagnostics, preferably in the phase of preclinical manifestations of the disease, which further contributes to the timely initiation of treatment, prevention of complications. Topical is the finding early markers of arterial hypertension, the selection among children whose, who in the future will most likely get hypertension. The article presents the results of a retrospective analysis of medical records of children with nephropathy. The method of
factor analysis revealed a close relationship in the development of renal disease and cardio - vascular system. The generality of controllable risk factors in the development of pathology cardio - vascular and renal disease should be
considered at the stage of preventive measures for the prevention of disease through active influence on the factors detected at the stage of pre-clinical manifestations.


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How to Cite

Stoyeva, T. V., Kopiyka, H. K., & Prokhorova, S. V. (2015). NEPHROPATHY IN CHILDHOOD AS A RISK FACTOR FOR HYPERTENSION. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (1).

