
  • M. D. Protsailo I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University



parents, disease, results, children, doctor


The aim of the study – based on thirty years of practical experience of a pediatric orthopedist-traumatologist, to study three main factors on which the result of treatment depended – the child and his parents, doctor, disease. If the doctor and parents of the child work together, the results of treatment will be much better than in the case when such cooperation is not established, when parents do not trust the doctor and self-medicate.

 Materials and Methods. Long-term observations have shown that parents of sick children react differently to a child's disease. The art of a practical doctor is to properly assess the role of such parents in the process of treatment. This process is extremely complex, delicate, intimate and little studied. Parents can be divided into three groups. The first is that parents help. The second is that the parents are neutral, it all depends on the doctor. The third is that parents deliberately or do not knowingly interfere with the treatment process.

 Results and Discussion. It is best to work with the parents of the first group. The role of the doctor is to briefly inform them about the characteristics of the disease and what help they can provide during the treatment process. Such parents adequately respond to the course of the disease and all help and support the child, the doctor, which is very important, because each baby gets sick differently. Their recovery process is faster, easier. Big problems occur when inappropriate behavior of parents interferes with the medical process. As a rule, this is observed when there is no understanding in the family when everyone has their opinion about the child's illness. Trying to defend only their "right" point of view generates a hidden and sometimes open struggle between parents and the doctor. Such parents are know-it-alls, have a huge amount of computer information which, in their opinion, for some reason does not take into account the doctor. The result of treatment of such a group of patients is reportedly negative. The intermediate group includes parents who do not control the treatment process. Their main tactic is as follows: – "What will be, let it be!" or “Let things go their own way!”. The condition of the child is of little interest to them, they place all responsibility on the shoulders of doctors. In this case, depending on the disease, the consequences of treatment can be unpredictable.

Conclusions. Our clinical observations have shown that there are different parents who, by their behavior, help overcome the disease, or vice versa consciously or unconsciously prevent it. In the process of treatment, it is advisable to pay attention to such behavior of parents, and in a timely manner, if possible, to correct these relationships. Unfortunately, this topic in medicine is not sufficiently studied and practical doctors solve it on their own.

Author Biography

M. D. Protsailo, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University


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How to Cite

Protsailo, M. D. (2022). SOME ASPECTS OF PARENTS’ ROLE IN THE TREATMENT OF INJURIES AND DISEASES OF CHILDHOOD. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2), 32–35.

