subclinical hypothyroidism in T3, in T4, autoimmune thyroiditis, vitamin D, hypothyroidism, TSHAbstract
The aim of the study – to determine vitamin D deficiency in women of reproductive age with newly diagnosed subclinical hypothyroidism, as well as to establish the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune thyroid pathology (autoimmune thyroiditis, subclinical hypothyroidism) and prescribing vitamin D to the course of treatment.
Materials and Methods. 25 patients aged 16 to 35 years were monitored. In 20 of them autoimmune thyroiditis was diagnosed and in 5 – hypoplasia of the thyroid gland. Confirmation of the diagnosis of subclinical hypothyroidism was the presence in the blood of women of normal levels of thyroid hormones in T3 and T4 and elevated levels of TSH. The standard ultrasound technique was used to measure the volume and assess the structure of the thyroid gland. And also determined the level of vitamin D in the serum of these patients.
Results and Discussion. All women with subclinical hypothyroidism for 3 months were prescribed L-thyroxine at a dose of 25–37.5 μg/day and vitamin D – Aquadetrim 6 drops/day, and patients with AIT additional Lizorm 30 drops/twice a day. All patients had normal TSH levels after treatment. In women with hypoplasia of the thyroid gland, the level of vitamin D returned to normal, and in women with increased antibodies to TPO slightly.
Conclusions. Women of reproductive age with subclinical hypothyroidism should be supplemented with vitamin D to the course of treatment.
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