simultaneous, gallstone disease, gynecology, myomaAbstract
The aim of the study – to compare the developed technique of simultaneous surgical interventions with the usual technique of laparoscopic cholecystectomy on such indicators as safety, time of operation, hospital stay time, frequency of complications, fatigue of surgeons after operations.
Materials and Methods. In the period from 2015 to 2019, 284 patients underwent surgery. Patients were divided into two groups: group 1 – 72 patients with combined gynecological pathology and gallstone disease and 212 patients with gallstone disease only. Statistics were processed in the program “Statistica v12.6”. Shapiro-Wilk test analysis, and statistical methods of Mann-Whitney comparison, or U-test and ANOVA were used. The critical significance level in all calculations is defined as p 0.05.
Results and Discussion. The operation time was (53±4.18) minutes (31–66 min) for the group 1, and (41±3.77) min (27–60 min) for the group 2. Growth of 12 minutes, or 23.6 %. The hospital stay time was 3.29 (2–8) days in the group 1 against 3.32 (2–8) days in the group 2 (p=0.941). The frequency of complications in both groups was comparable and did not differ significantly (p=0.966). The change in CFFF in the group 1 was 2.25 Hz, and in the group 2 2.18 Hz (p=0.928). The relative strength decreased in the study group by 5.96 % and in the control group by 5.73 % (p=0.970). The difference between the groups was insignificant except for the time of the operation. The growth was insignificant, which could not compete with the performance of a single operation.
Conclusions. 1. Performing simultaneous laparoscopic interventions developed by the technique for the treatment of gallstones and combined surgical gynecological pathology does not increase the duration of treatment in the hospital, increase the number of complications, physical or psychological fatigue of surgeons. 2. The increase in the duration of the operation was not critical and could not compete in time with a single operation for this pathology. 3. Simultaneous laparoscopic operations are optimal for patients with combined housing and communal services and GP, and the technique developed on the basis of Volyn Regional Clinical Hospital is the optimal choice for such operations.
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