uterine leiomyoma, еmbolization of uterine arteries, conservative myomectomyAbstract
The aim of the study – to compare the efficacy, safety of the disease and the reproductive consequences of treatment of uterine leiomyoma performed by laparoscopic access and uterine artery embolization technique (EMA).
Materials and Methods. The studies were carried out on the basis of the Gynecological Department of the Municipal Non-commercial Enterprise Ternopil Municipal Hospital No. 2. During the period from 2018 to 2020, 112 laparoscopic procedures and 52 methods of uterine artery embolization were performed. In order to diagnose leiomyoma, an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs was carried out; to perform UAE, a cytological aspirate from the uterine cavity was a prerequisite. UAE was performed in an operating room equipped with an angiographic apparatus.
Results and Discussion. The average age of women who underwent laparoscopic surgery ranged from 38 to 42 years, body mass index from 25.0 to 31.0, the average number of removed nodes from 2 to 5. The average diameter of nodes ranged from 4 to 6 cm. blood loss during the operation was 100–150 ml using bipolar diathermy, the average duration of the operation was 50–60 minutes. Postoperative complications were observed in 30 % of women. In the group of women who underwent EMA, the average age ranged from 36 to 45 years. Body mass index was within 34.2. The average number of nodes that underwent embolization (sclerosis) was mainly 2–3 nodes. There is no blood loss during the uterine artery embolization operation. The average duration of the operation is 50–60 minutes. Duration of hospital stay is 3–4 days. Women who planned a pregnancy are 26.7 % – 30 women after laparoscopy, and 38.4 % – 20 women after UAE. In group 1 40 % – 12 women were able to fulfill the reproductive function, in group 2 – 25 % – 5 women.
Conclusions. Thus, summarizing the results of both methods of treating uterine fibroids, we did not receive data indicating the benefits of one or another method of treating uterine fibroids. Summarizing the data described, it should be said that EMA can be an alternative to laparoscopy, especially in a group of women who would like to perform a reproductive function in terms of childbirth.
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