
  • S. O. Ostafiichuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



bio-impedance analysis, total body water, gestational weight gain


The aim of the study – to assess the changes in body water compartments in pregnant women with recommended and pathological gestational weight gain (GWG).

Materials and Methods. 153 pregnant women with normal prepregnancy weight BMI (20.3±1.5) kg/m2 participated. The recommended GWG was determined in 77 (50.3 %), insufficient – in 31 (20.3 %), and excessive in 45 (29.4%) patients. The total body water (TBW), intracellular water (ICW) and extracellular water (ECW), as well as anthropometric measurements, were determined in each trimester using the bioelectrical impedance analysis.

Results and Discussion. The uniform rise of body water compartments with a relation of ECW/TBW – 0.35 in all trimesters in the group of women with recommended GWG was demonstrated. Compared to the normal weight gain women, lower TBW from the early terms, absence of the dynamics of ECW % and the stable volume of ICW, normal relation of ECW/TBW – 0.34 are in all trimesters in the case of insufficient GWG. Excessive GWG is accompanied by an excessive increase in TBW in the third trimester, a significant accumulation of fluid in the interstitial sector, from the early stages with peak at the end of pregnancy. Compared to normal GWG pregnant, such pathological redistribution of ECW/TBW – 0.39, 0.44 and 0.44, respectively in each trimester, is a risk of obstetric and perinatal complications associated with hemodynamic disorders.

Conclusions. Our results show that the bio-impedance analysis can be used to monitor variants in body water volumes in pregnant women from the first trimester and detect early excessive fluid retention and redistribution of water compartments that lead to pathological GWG and illustrate a manifestation of hemodynamic maladaptation to pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Ostafiichuk, S. O. (2020). BODY WATER DISTRIBUTION IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH PATHOLOGICAL GESTATION WEIGHT GAIN. Actual Problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, (2), 53–57.

