
  • I. B. Chornomydz I. Horbachevsky Ternopil state medical university
  • T. M. Kosovska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil state medical university
  • V. O. Kosovska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil state medical university



endothelin-1, community-acquired pneumonia, endothelium, children, development of complications.


Introduction. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the role of microcirculation and endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including pneumonia. Until now, the role of endothelin, as a marker of vascular endothelial damage, in the development of pneumonia in children, has not been studied.

The aim of the study – to learn the role of endothelin-1 in the course of community-acquired pneumonia in children and to establish the relationship between the level of this mediator in the blood with the severity of the course of pneumonia and the development of complications.

Material and Methods. 96 children aged 6 to 14 years old, patients with acute pancreatic pneumonia with different course of gravity were examined. The level of endothelin-1 in the blood was determined by the immuno-enzymatic method using a set of reagents "R & D", USA. Studies were conducted before and after treatment.

Results. There is a significant increase in the content of endothelin-1 in the blood of children suffering from generalized pneumonia of moderate severity and severe illness. The level of this indicator increases with the increase in the severity of the pathological process, with the level of endothelin before treatment exceeds the indexes of healthy subjects approximately 4 times in the group with the course of pneumonia of moderate severity and 6 times in the group with severe pneumonia. After treatment in the blood, high levels of endothelin levels are maintained, which can lead to microcirculatory disorders, hypoxia and increases the risk of chronizing the pathological process. It has been established that high endothelin-1 indices in the blood may increase the risk of severe purulent complications of community-acquired pneumonia.

Conclusion. In children suffering from community-acquired pneumonia, an increase in blood endothelin-1 levels has been observed. With an increase in the severity of the disease, the level of endothelin in the blood increases proportionally. Increasing the level of endothelin-1 in the blood may indicate a possible development of severe purulent complications of community-acquired pneumonia. After treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in children, high levels of endothelin in the blood remain in the blood, which can cause a chronic pathological process in the lungs.

Author Biography

I. B. Chornomydz, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil state medical university



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How to Cite

Chornomydz, I. B., Kosovska, T. M., & Kosovska, V. O. (2018). THE MEANING OF ENDOTHELIN IN THE CURRENT OF COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA IN CHILDREN. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, (2).



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