jejunum, remodeling, resection of liver.Abstract
Postresection portal hypertension, which occurs after the removal of large volumes of liver parenchyma, leads to venous congestion and structural changes in the organs of the portal system. Adaptive-compensatory processes in the digestive system after resection of different volumes of the liver are insufficiently studied.
The aim is quantitative morphological study of the features of remodeling structures of the jejunum at resection of different volumes of the liver.
Material and Methods. The studies were conducted on 43 sexually mature male rats, which were divided into 4 groups. The first group consisted of 12 intact animals, 2-a-11 rats after resection of 31.5 % of liver parenchyma, 3rd-12 animals after resection of 42.0% of the liver volume, 4-a-8 rats after resection 58 , 1 % liver. Euthanasia of experimental animals was carried out by bloodletting in conditions of thiopental anesthesia 1 month after the beginning of the experiment. The cut pieces from the jejunum were fixed in a 10 % neutral formalin solution, and after appropriate conduction, ethyl alcohol of increasing concentration was poured in paraffin blocks according to the generally accepted method. Histologic sections 5-7 μm thick after deparaffinization were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, for van Gizon, Mallory, Weigert, and toluidine blue. Morphometrically on the histological preparations of the jejunum, thickness of the mucous, muscle, serous membranes and submucosal layer, length, width of villi, depth, width of crypts, height of cover epithelial cells, diameter of their nuclei, nuclear-cytoplasmic relations in epitheliocytes, relative volume of the affected epithelial cells, calculate submucosal-mucous and submucosal-muscular indices. Quantitative values were processed statistically.
Results and discussion. All-round analysis of the obtained morphometric data showed that they changed slightly after a month after resection of 31.5 % of liver parenchyma. After resection 42 % of the liver parenchyma of the remodeling of the jejunum structures was more pronounced. In these experimental conditions, morphometric indices of the jejunum membranes were unevenly and disproportionately altered, relations between them were violated, pathological changes in the wall of the organ under investigation were observed. The morphometric parameters of the jejunum in the month after resection of 58.1% of liver parenchyma were the most pronounced changes. Uneven changes in the spatial characteristics of the intestinal mucosa resulted in an increase in submucosal-mucous index of 35.2%, and submucosal-muscle - by 26.1%, the number of damaged epithelial cells - 30.5 times compared with control morphometric indices.
Conclusions. Resection of 42% or more of the liver parenchyma leads to a marked remodeling of the structures of the jejunum, which is characterized by pronounced changes in the morphometric parameters of the mucosa, muscle membranes, submucosal layers, villi, crypt, epitheliocytes, violation of the relationships between spatial characteristics of the shells, the nucleus and cytoplasm of the epithelial cells, significant their lesion, which can leads to dysfunction of the damaged organ.
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