Ultrasound characteristic of the acute and chronic nonodontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis in children


  • I. V. Ksonz Higher State Educational Institution “Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy”, Poltava




Summary. The aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of ultrasound diagnostics in the acute purulent and chronic hyperplastic non-odontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis in children.

The study has resulted in the analysis of the examination of 20 children with the acute purulent odontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis and 10 children with chronic hyperplastic non-odontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis, aged from 7 to 12 years.

Comparison of the Doppler scan data has revealed that in the first 24 hours from the onset of the disease a significant activity of the vascular component, accompanied by the increase of resistance index by 2.8 times and pulsation index by 3.2 times was noted. End-diastolic rate increased by 4.5 times. In patients that applied for medical assistance on 2–3 days from the onset, a decrease of resistance index by 1.5 times, pulsation index by 1.3 times, end-diastolic rate by 1.5 times, as compared with the first day of the referral, was observed; however, they did not reach the control values. During the investigation sonographic image of submandibular lymph nodes in chronic hyperplastic non-odontogenic lymphadenitis was characterized by the following indicators: the transverse dimension was 0.93±0.08 cm.; anteroposterior dimension 1.63±0.10 cm; the ratio of the transverse and anteroposterior dimensions (Solbiati index) was 0,5±0,03, the image of the hilum was identified; cortical layer was visualized; the degree of echogenicity was mixed, isoechoic cases accounted for 80 %, hypoechoic cases accounted for 20 %, resistance index was on the average of 0.28±0.04; pulsation index was 0.42±0.06; end-diastolic rate was 4.69±0.72 cm/s.

The study have concluded that the synthesis of ultrasonic data of patients with acute purulent nonodontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis facilitates determining the degree of dependence of the activation of the vascular component from the time periods that distinguish the initial clinical manifestations and the time of applying for medical assistance; and enlarged, mainly isoechoic lymph nodes, with signs of high vascular tone are diagnosed in chronic hyperplastic nonodontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis diagnosed.

Key words: ultrasonography, children, submandibular lymphadenitis.


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How to Cite

Ksonz, I. V. (2015). Ultrasound characteristic of the acute and chronic nonodontogenic submandibular lymphadenitis in children. Achievements of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 23(2-3). https://doi.org/10.11603/1811-2471.2015.v23.i2-3.5243



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